就在日前,HTC Desire 轟動上市後,過沒天,Google I/O 也熱烈的舉辦了,當然 Android 2.2 是會中最大的焦點
搭載 Android 2.1 的現階段機王 Desire,能不能升級為 2.2,也成了這幾天最沸沸騰騰的話題了
在經過了 HTC Hero 升級 2.1 風暴後,消費者對 HTC 的不爽程度,就這樣一個燈二個燈三個燈的直衝五個燈呀!!! ( 完全是不爽到了極限了!! )
但是令人訝異的是,這次 Desire 聽說會升級 2.2 的消息,很快的就在網路上竄流出來了
根據 www.androidcentral.com 網站中的文章提到:
Like many of you, we are already wondering if and when our favorite Android phones will get the Froyo Android 2.2 upgrade. By "favorite Android phones" we naturally mean the hotness made by HTC. So, we asked and here's the deal: if your phone was released in 2010, you have a good chance of getting Froyo. Definitely on deck: The Desire, Droid Incredible, EVO 4G, MyTouch Slide, and future models. We don't have a specific ETA yet, but "second half of this year" is certainly a lot more promising than "someday, maybe."
( 此段文章轉載自 AndroidCentral )
OH YA!!,看來 Desire 升級有望了,不過.....疑!! but "second half of this year" is certainly a lot more promising than "someday, maybe."....我笑了!!!